About this treatment

Dermal Filler

Dermal Filler injections are a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure are made up of hyaluronic acid which is a natural substance found within your own body. The amount of hyaluronic acid that is found in the skin gradually begins to reduce as you age which can result in skin looking tired. Dermal filler can help plump up wrinkles, smooth lines and restore volume in your face by reintroducing hyaluronic acid back into areas that are lacking and harmonize facial symmetry.

Areas include lips, cheeks, chin, jawline, jowls, nasolabial folds, marionette lines and tear trough. Dermal fillers are not permanent and typically last between 6 to 18 months. During the consultation we will devise a treatment plan that is focused on the scientific rules of beauty “the golden ratio” (Phi), looking at the entire face not just the features alone. This enables us to see where you may or may not need dermal filler. By using the golden ratio, it enables us to a achieve a natural look. Phi will be applied to all our dermal filler treatments and packages.

Transformation Packages Dermal filler (excludes tear troughs)

Ageing is inevitable (sigh), as your skin naturally loses elasticity with age and with comes fine lines and wrinkles. You may even start to notice your cheeks and jowls looking heavier, a downturned smile is becoming more prominent. The effect of aging is dependent on many factors, your genetics, your lifestyle, and your environment all play a role in the way your skin ages. But there are ways to give your skin a youthful makeover.

Our anti-ageing refresh packages are a personalised combinational approach, instead of treating just the problem area we like to treat the cause.

By treating the cause, it enables us to build the foundation which would act as the scaffolding to help support the surrounding areas, giving an overall pleasing subtle but refreshed look. If were to just treat the symptom the results would be great for a few weeks but because no foundations were laid down the symptom area can end up looking heavier making the client feel

As we age, we must be realistic with our expectations, mature skin loses elasticity and is of course far less forgiving due to its elastosis.

Every individual is different and the aging process varies from one person to the next, it’s not a one size fits all. Your treatment will be tailored to your individual needs.

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